Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Kette der Verantwortung - Wenn man den falschen erwischt und der sich nicht wehrt / keine Stellung nimmt

Ende April beschlossen wir in der Negotium Alliance, Tenerifis zu räumen, da wir definitiv der anrollenden -A--Welle nicht gewachsen waren. Da alles sehr schnell gehen musste, führten wir eine grosse Evakuation durch, welche mehrere Stunden dauerte, da mit den Sprungfrachtern und den Carriern das Material einer ganzen Allianz evakuiert wurde.

Dass mal irgendwo ein Schiff dabei verlorengeht, bzw. vielleicht irgendwo im 0.0 auf einer der Zwischenstationen liegenbleibt oder was auch immer, kann passieren, dass jedoch ausgerechnet teure Schiffe verschwinden und alle über den Gleichen transportiert wurden, bedeutet, dass selbiger sich darum kümmern muss, dass die ihm anvertrauten Güter wieder bei den Spieler landen.

Am 19.5. erhielt deshalb Battletank von Die Affenbande welche nun Mitglied der EVE-Union sind, von mir (Char: Ze Beeblebrox, CEO Negotium Alliance) die Aufforderung, dafür zu sorgen, dass eine Navy Scorpion, eine Golem und eine Proteus welche über ihn transportiert wurden, wieder bei den Besitzern landen.

Es erfolgte seitens Battletank keinerlei Reaktion. Weder dass er sich meldete und direkt die Situation rechtfertigte, noch dass irgendwie ersichtlich war, dass er sich um die Angelegenheit kümmerte. Die einzige Aussage, welche mir zu Ohren kam war, er hätte die Güter Jemanden ausgehändigt.

Aufgrund der absoluten Gleichgültigkeit des Beschuldigten und die Beschuldigung stand nun im Raum, dass er die Schiffe eingesackt hat, nahm ich mit entsprechenden Leuten (Drahtzieher, DaCode, FloppyM) Kontakt auf, dass das nicht in Ordnung ist und dass ich langsam stinksauer bin.

Der Druck wurde erhöht und Battletank von Dalmarogs NGA TS gesperrt. Immer noch keine Reaktion seinerseits. Keine mail, kein nix.

Letzte Woche erreicht mich nun die Mitteilung, dass der eigentliche Dieb anscheinend Zaijan ist. Das heisst, mehr als zwei Monate nach den Transporten, kommt endlich ein Indiz, dass die vermissten Güter bei Zaijan, ehemals GC, gelandet sind und dieser sie sich einheimste. Den Verdacht dazu hörte ich schon vor 2 Wochen seitens GC.

Da Battletank die ganze Zeit passiv blieb, keine Stellung bezog, sich nicht meldete, sich anscheinend um nichts kümmerte und da er selbst eine unschöne Aktion beim Austritt aus der NGA lieferte, stellt sich mir die Frage: "Wieso zum Teufel wehrt sich dieser Typ nicht ? Wieso krümmt er keinen Finger zur Aufklärung der Vorwürfe an ihn ?". 2 Monate sind nun verstrichen. Hätte ich gewusst, dass eigentlich Zaijan das diebische Kameradenschwein ist, hätte ich den Druck auf ihn ausüben können.

Und wäre ich in der Situation von Battletank gewesen, hätte ich mich gewehrt:
- FullAPI an einen Vertrauensmann, um zu beweisen, dass man die betroffenen Gütern nicht besitzt und nicht verkauft hat.
- Offene Stellungnahme, dass ich bedaure, dass Güter welche über mich transportiert wurden, verschwunden sind und dass ich versichere, dass ich sie einem Mitspieler, welcher vertrauenswürdig schien, ausgehändigt habe.
- Aktive Suche nach dem eigentlichen Dieb.

Auch wenn sich nun herausgestellt hat, dass Battletank nicht der Dieb war, so würde ich aufgrund seiner Passivität und seines Desinteresses zu einer Aufklärung beizutragen dennoch keine Güter mehr ihm anvertrauen, bzw. über ihn transportieren lassen.

EVE ist kein Spiel, in dem man lange rumzimpert, geschweige denn die Zeit hat, irgendwelche langwierigen "Verfahren" durchzuführen. Schlussendlich hat man ja auch keinerlei Möglichkeit auf CCP-Daten zuzugreifen, während Untersuchungsbehörden im RL durchaus auf Steuer- und Bank-, sowie Kreditkartendaten als auch andere Transaktionen zugreifen können.

Ich bin der Meinung, dass es angebracht war, auf denjeningen (in diesem Fall: Battletank) welcher die Transporte ausführte und deshalb auch verantwortlich war, dafür zu sorgen, dass die Güter wieder an ihre Besitzer gehen, Druck auszuüben und selbigen solange zu erhöhen, bis dass er sich darum kümmert.

Ich bin erleichtert, dass Battletank im Sinne des Diebstahls-Vorwurfes nun offenbar unschuldig ist, aber auch verärgert, dass der eigentlich Schuldige, Zaijan, solange unbehelligt davonkam.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

0.0 the new dimension

In autumn, I came to the conclusion that empire, be it high- or lowsec doesn't offer the income we needed to grow and prosper as we planned.
Thus came the decision to rent us some 0.0 space for a reasonable price.
We saw -A- folding then and immediately got into contact with The Initiative whom gave us XUDX-A for 1bil ISK/Month.
Equipped with only one Jumpfreighter then, we moved about 25 loads of freight in there and started to harvest that system up to its limits. One month later, with the help of GIS/Grunts. we managed to get some freighters in with the 5er pirate upgrade.
Since then our players income went up to the roof and they felt so comfortable, they began to move in their uttermost expensive luxury ratkilling ships, although there were explicit warnings not to do so. Our system got quite crowded and we had to introduce some disciplinary rules so noone blocked havens or sanctums from spawning.
Somehow I didn't feel too comfortable with the political situation and although my people cried for more systems, I tried to gain some time. Somehow I had the feeling The Initiative alone without IT/XIX/PL isn't strong enough to keep that area so I warned my people again not to bring in ships they cannot write off. Secretly I ordered CEOs to bring their BPOs valuing about 50bil ISK altogether out. An empire Corporation was founded with sole purpose to create BPCs and do the necessary inventions.
Then day X came and The Initiative folded. 3 1/2 months after we have moved in, The Initiative was suddenly gone. Completely gone. Well, there were some marauding Initiative Associates-Renters and some Initiative Mercenaries, but only some lonely and left behind guys. The Initiative was out and gone because they obviously just were fed up fighting ROL/-A-/... . So we started an evacuation operation. With 3 Jumpfreighters and several Carriers now in service, we packed all we could and moved it out into the empire. I was quite shocked, what values my guys just secretly have brought in. There were marauders, faction ships, some even with unpayable luxury fittings of the finest. 100bil ISK couldn't buy all that stuff.
3 1/2 months earlier my guys were dried out, bankrupt, fed up with our war campaigns against Focused Intentions and Scum. whom we taught a lesson. Now my guys have their pockets filled with ISK, can field whatever we want in PvP fleets, have high morale, so I guess, our first 0.0 adventure was a success, a huge one.

When I tried to get into contact with -A-(Against All Authorities) I realised 2 facts. 1 they are a bit more greedy than The Initiative, but we could have afforded it. 2 they don't want to control the area we want to live in and I was told that area was now business of White Noise.
As I somehow had the impression -A- just threw the whole area at the feet of WN because they had learned their lesson and didn't want to control too much 0.0 space anymore.
I took the chance, formed up a fleet of about 40 guys, brought in some SBUs and an Impel to a meeting point with a Jumpfreighter and then we rolled into southeast Tenerifis, placed SBUs there, told everyone that we will take over control of the area and then I sent a letter to WN that I want to get into business with them and thus we have started to help them.
Some leftover IA(Initiative Associates)-Corporations were so impressed and we learned that they speak german, so we assimilated them into our alliance.
With their help and approval from Init. we cleaned up our pocket and on demand of WN (finally we managed to get a deal with them) we started to clean up the rest of southeastern Tenerifis, too.
Much was gained by diplomacy and we chose to treat all remains of IA and IM with respect.

We are thankful to The Initiative they didn't immediately reset their renters when they left the area. Although I don't understand why they reset my PvP alliance, when only one of my guys was involved in an incident between Grunts. and them and when we were told that the whole story was resolved.

Talks with WhiteNoise were very positive but somehow I have the feeling they are overstretched at the moment, so I have decided we will organize ourselves in the EIX-HK pocket in a way we could defend it eventually. That means, we put up defenses so huge that any agressor would prefer to get into a deal with us as our new home is strategically unimportant.

Backstabbing or not ?

Some would say our actions of tearing down and taking over stations from Init. was backstabbing. Nope. This ain't no backstabbing. Init was long gone even before we thought about placing SBUs and firing at those stations. If there had been any sign of Init. keeping up any kind of military strength, we would eventually have fought on their side.

Now WN is the new boss in the area. We have our deal with them and we will support them as long as they want us to. But when the day comes at whom they are just gone, we will have to look for ourselves the same way as we had to do now.

As our military strength grows with every day, we eventually will get into a position, where any conqueror ist best advised to leave us alone and save himself a few unnecessary losses by keeping his resources up focused on his strategical goals.
EIX-HK shall be our new home, our property, and we will keep it until we find ourselves a better place.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Test passed

As Com-Star / Solaris - Syndicate retracted their war against the Negotium, I am proud of one fact: No single loss within Negotium Alliance and EVE-Union !

I did expect there would be one or two losses among pilots within the Negotium Alliance. The usual far away missionrunner or that usual deaf-blind-mute-analphabetic member who does afk transports with his industrial or what ever stupid things to do in wartimes would ever be. I am very proud of those corporations and their staff who managed to keep discipline among their members.

Nevertheless we have to admit there were losses among Pilots of German Constructors.
That Corporation was just not yet ready for war and they immediately left the Negotium Alliance when the war started, just to rejoin today after its end.
All those losses did happen, because some members didn't obey recommendations by their leadership and I expect them to have learned their lesson.
(Those pilots had the usual excuses like: I didn't expect them to pursue us, because we were not their main wartargets)
I told them, Com-Star would go for every single kill possible and they did.

Now, one would think we had given docking orders to our members. No ! We didn't !
Standing order within the Passion of War was: Don't do anything stupid !
We had scouts checking out all areas. We thought about catching some of them by using routes through WH-space. But in the end, we didn't have the numbers to attack them, so we didn't.

We do not know who did pay them, as they are mercenaries for hire.
There is one strong hint:
17:21:00 -500'000'000.00 Corporation Account Withdrawal 3'661'375'196.01 War Academy Lee Corbain
That sum is what mercenaries usually demand as first half of payment for a contract.

I have made one decision: No matter whether that bunch of idiots at the "War Academy" did pay Com-Star or not, we will leave them alone. I just don't want to deal with them anymore and I don't want to deliver them any excuse why they fucked up their own business.

My job is to keep the Negotium alive and while the Negotium Alliance is very healthy, the Passion of War is at a very critical point now.
Some important members are offline because of real life issues and those remaining do show high presence, but we just ain't enough now. We do have several capital pilots, but we don't have the capitals yet (Note: Wardec on VGmbH imminent if they don't deliver my Moros soon). Not only do we need some more ISK to buy us Capitals, but we need a purpose for them as we don't buy ships to collect dust.
Most of the players in the Passion of War are highly skilled and they have made enough kills in their life, so most of my members would be highly welcomed by any PvP Corporation.
My partner corporaton "Final Solutions" has lost all their personnel to Endstati0n/Ev0ke. We do miss these guys. But that offer was so good, I did consider it for myself a few days, but then I saw the loyality of my own members and I just could not drop the Negotium. One year it exists now and that year was very tough. Intrigues and take-over attempts by the war academy. They did anything to keep members away from joining the Passion of War, they did anything to badmouth us behind our backs. What could have been a dream they greatly fucked up until my power was just strong enough to sack them (they did leave shortly before I would have sacked them).

Now we are considering offers for some lucrative 0.0 space for us, but we will only consider offers where the Negotium is taken as a package, which means all of us or none.

Meanwhile we will reorganize ourselves, do some heavy trainings with negotium alliance pilots and earn some ISK.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Test

As the main purpose of the Negotium is war, we have arrived at our first examination.
Our former enemies all had their own strength, but in the end the were no match for us. Now finally someone paid Com-Star / Solaris - Syndicate for leading a war against us. As I remember many of them personally, I see the current situation as a sportive competition against old friends. Nevertheless we have taken all necessary preparations and we have organized our stuff.

We have removed most of our POSes and all valuable stuff within them.
Those remaining will serve as bait and are written off within our books. Our friends are on alert to help us defending them, if needed.

Whoever spent the money for Com-Star, I should be grateful, since we all will have some fun. We can withstand a long period of war, but I heavily doubt whether those paying Com-Star will be able to afford it.

Com-Star is the best german speaking Mercenary Corporation, so I feel quite honoured when someone considers them as the one and only option to act against us.

I will still remember many of those guys from the times I used to fly along with them when I was with GIS. So MiGE, McNoTo, Ullrich Rudel, ... when the war is over and your customer has burnt his ISK, I'll invite you into our TS for some chat.

By then let us have some fun.

Greetings !

Humpfgrunz / Ze Beeblebrox

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Gank

Hi Friends !

As we were bored because our system was camped by some IT-Alliance guys, we decided to gank someone. We chose to gank someone out of the leadership of the "Community of the War Academy" Alliance / "War Academy" Corporation just because they are mostly a bunch of helpless idiots.
- Could they wardec us ? Unless they are really suicidal, no !
- Could they have some mercs wardec us ? (Yeah baby, bring it on !) With the exception of Myzer that bunch is quite bankrupt and I doubt whether Myzer wants to throw his billions of ISK out of the window delivering us some fun.

Since they have no real option against us and since there would be a psychological internal pressure to do something, they would do something. Having no reasonable option, the stupid ones remain and behaving stupid is what they really are used to do.

So, we chose Lee Corbain's alternate Char, Tanya Morgan as target. That char was afk mining in Emolgranlan. In our plan it was important to kill the pod before CONCORD destroys our aggressing ships. We then created a highly effective setup and we successfully executed the gank including the podkill.

Since Lee Corbain had no intelligent option, he, as I predicted, started to use the stupid ones: He set us on orange/red with the consequence he and his kind is now red for us, too, making themselves valid targets everywhere we see them, especially in Lowsec and 0.0.
Myzer, as soon as he heard about the gank wanted to discuss with me and he did for hours. He wanted me to post an excuse or at least a neutral statement. But that was not what I wanted. I decided to take a further step and to post a clear threat in their forum instead. I wanted them to feel uncomfortable and I wanted them to take further steps.

As we do have some friends within their ranks, we are fully informed about each step they take.
We have identified primary targets if we decide to take further steps:
- Lee Corbain, because he is the CEO and he is responsible.
- Myzer, because he is an imposter with some ISK we want him to blow up by paying mercs against us.
- Nyrlin, because that guy is just a stupid asslicker.

I for myself feel that I have converted to the dark side.
I for myself feel that I want revenge against Lee Corbain.
I for myself feel that I want them eradicated.

But ...

since that bunch of guys leading the CWA really lacks reason, I won't have to do much except kick some of their asses from time to time. They won't survive internal tensions created hereby and destroy themselves eventually.

Greetings !


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Hi Folks !

Much has happened since my last post and thus I present you a resumée.

The Negotium Project was originally founded by Lee Corbain and me, Humpfgrunz. There was the idea of a double leadership with him focussing on training new players and me focussing on PvP and Wars.
Tensions arose when we planned a wormhole-trip to raise some ISK. He managed his personel to withdraw from that wormhole project and he sabotaged it wherever he could. In response I promoted the planner, Qor'Esch to the position of being my Co-CEO in the Passion of War.
Lee Corbain then started an unfriendly takeover of the negotium alliance which I harshly prevented.
We remained in a situation where in order to keep friendships among players, we didn't resolve our dispute and postponed it both.

With the beginning of the year 2010, Lee Corbain founded his "Community of the War Academy" and the War Academy left the Negotium Alliance.
We, the Passion of War had the luck to get EVE-Union on Board of the Negotium Project. The EVE-Union had its own problems at first, but in the long run, the partnership between Passion of War and EVE-Union was the best, which could have happened. They brought in some very experienced Fleet Commanders and we had some very keen PvP pilots.

Doing some Lowsec-Roamings at first, we started to occupy Doril (0.0).

Again tensions arose with the CWA/War Academy where Lee Corbain tried to intervene with our goals.
The point came, where enough was enough and so I decided to sack them if they didn't stop harrassing us immediately.
They left just before I would have ejected them right out of the Negotium anyway.

Since then a stream of players left them and joined one of our corporations.
Be it the Passion of War with high taxes and ship replacements, be it the Space Demolition Inc. focused on production and with no taxes, be it another corporation within our alliances.

Without any interference by some weird guys who lack real life, we now can handle things much simpler then ever.

The Negotium now is a coalition of alliances and corporations. The new leadership is the leadership of the EVE-Union and the Passion of War.

The wars we lead since had been a huge success and our players build a strong unity.
Without any tensions within leadership anymore, we have become attractive to other players which observed us for months and now decided to strengthen our forces with their membership.

We are in talk with alliances wanting to join the Negotium, we have Corporations in progress to join one of our alliances. We are a rising star !

What happened to CWA/War Academy ?
They are busy loosing their playerbase, by harrassing those who helped them, by commanding their remaining playerbase how to play EVE-Online and by ridiculing themselves with fairy tales about how bad the remaining Negotium is.
Since they fail constantly at critically looking at themselves, they indeed have pressed the selfdestruct-Button. Now those who had been angered and humiliated by toese idiots quite reluctantly watch them dissolving and shrinking to a bunch of offline-members and carebears.

The Negotium, as we call it now (we omitted the "project" to reflect the new situation), meanwhile will grow and we alltogether work on our goals.
We are building up logistics, a capital fleet, special abilities, etc.
We have much to do.



Thursday, October 1, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Telephone harassement

Hi Folks !

Now someone really has reached his bottom and I would urge him to call for help or to seek some therapy.
It is one thing to be thrown out of a corp and an alliance in persona as well as with friends and altcorp. It is another thing not to be able to cope with it and to start harrassing people in real life after having badly failed to harrass our project and alliance by engaging several merc corps.

After having received two "anonymous" calls by phone where the voice is clearly identifiable. I have taken steps to record the next call and the police is already informed.

I hope for his own sake that the guy will seek a doctor's help !
Harrassement by phone just because of an online game is sick !

Let's hope that guy gets proper treatment.



Thursday, September 17, 2009

Preparing the end of a stupid war

Hi Friends !

As it seems, our enemy is becoming reasonable and his PVP corporation as well as two out of three mercenary corporations have ended their wars against us.
Now we wait and see whether the third mercenary corporation ends its war as well.
With the end of the last war we will retract the war against their production corporation Investigation Enterprises or IONEN.
We have already halted all preparations to take down their POS by surprise.

By now all war statistics are positive for us.
We were able to keep stupid actions of our new members at a minimum counting only two avoidable and unneeded losses on our side. The other losses on our side were calculated risks and results of real battle, although nevertheless sometimes avoidable and thus leading to further trainings and education.

Discipline is one of the most important abilities in such times.
Our players were disciplined and followed our orders as well as they stood firm.
The quote of players who did not log in anymore has been quite small.
The quote of players who put our orders into question has been nil by now.
We have seen some deficites within our structure at war times and will handle them accordingly.

I am proud of my fellows in the Negotium Project, and all its corporations and alliances !

Now I'm preparing the medals for all those who earned them.

Greetings !


Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Wardeccing an Alliance: 50'000'000 ISK
Hiring 3 Merc Corps: ~ 2'000'000'000 ISK
2 Retards exposing their malfunctioning brains in a Blog: priceless !

That's how professionals handle unwanted wars against overwhelming forces !