Thursday, August 19, 2010

Test passed

As Com-Star / Solaris - Syndicate retracted their war against the Negotium, I am proud of one fact: No single loss within Negotium Alliance and EVE-Union !

I did expect there would be one or two losses among pilots within the Negotium Alliance. The usual far away missionrunner or that usual deaf-blind-mute-analphabetic member who does afk transports with his industrial or what ever stupid things to do in wartimes would ever be. I am very proud of those corporations and their staff who managed to keep discipline among their members.

Nevertheless we have to admit there were losses among Pilots of German Constructors.
That Corporation was just not yet ready for war and they immediately left the Negotium Alliance when the war started, just to rejoin today after its end.
All those losses did happen, because some members didn't obey recommendations by their leadership and I expect them to have learned their lesson.
(Those pilots had the usual excuses like: I didn't expect them to pursue us, because we were not their main wartargets)
I told them, Com-Star would go for every single kill possible and they did.

Now, one would think we had given docking orders to our members. No ! We didn't !
Standing order within the Passion of War was: Don't do anything stupid !
We had scouts checking out all areas. We thought about catching some of them by using routes through WH-space. But in the end, we didn't have the numbers to attack them, so we didn't.

We do not know who did pay them, as they are mercenaries for hire.
There is one strong hint:
17:21:00 -500'000'000.00 Corporation Account Withdrawal 3'661'375'196.01 War Academy Lee Corbain
That sum is what mercenaries usually demand as first half of payment for a contract.

I have made one decision: No matter whether that bunch of idiots at the "War Academy" did pay Com-Star or not, we will leave them alone. I just don't want to deal with them anymore and I don't want to deliver them any excuse why they fucked up their own business.

My job is to keep the Negotium alive and while the Negotium Alliance is very healthy, the Passion of War is at a very critical point now.
Some important members are offline because of real life issues and those remaining do show high presence, but we just ain't enough now. We do have several capital pilots, but we don't have the capitals yet (Note: Wardec on VGmbH imminent if they don't deliver my Moros soon). Not only do we need some more ISK to buy us Capitals, but we need a purpose for them as we don't buy ships to collect dust.
Most of the players in the Passion of War are highly skilled and they have made enough kills in their life, so most of my members would be highly welcomed by any PvP Corporation.
My partner corporaton "Final Solutions" has lost all their personnel to Endstati0n/Ev0ke. We do miss these guys. But that offer was so good, I did consider it for myself a few days, but then I saw the loyality of my own members and I just could not drop the Negotium. One year it exists now and that year was very tough. Intrigues and take-over attempts by the war academy. They did anything to keep members away from joining the Passion of War, they did anything to badmouth us behind our backs. What could have been a dream they greatly fucked up until my power was just strong enough to sack them (they did leave shortly before I would have sacked them).

Now we are considering offers for some lucrative 0.0 space for us, but we will only consider offers where the Negotium is taken as a package, which means all of us or none.

Meanwhile we will reorganize ourselves, do some heavy trainings with negotium alliance pilots and earn some ISK.


1 comment:

  1. ..hmm
    netter blog.. gut geschrieben..
    aber! .. dotlan history angesehen, kommt mir irgendwie vor als würden früher oder später die meisten wieder abstand zu dir suchen. und als merc corp keinen fight im wardec trotz high skill piloten, seltsam!?
    naja sind ja alle sehr stupid ;-)! du stellst dich leider ungewollt? als den einzig intelligenten menschen in eve dar.
